
IAESTE India-LC Karunya

The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is a non-profit, non-political student run organization. We provide students in technical degrees with paid foreign internships from some of the top institutes and organizations and employers with technically skilled students from abroad.

IAESTE India,LC Karunya was established in the year 2001 and has been working successfully since. Known as a Centre for Higher Learning and a Source of Excellence in Technical Education, Karunya University holds this privilege of being the pivotal point of contact for the aspiring students of India and prospective trainees from abroad. The Local Committee consists of an enthusiastic and hardworking team of students, who are dedicated to take care of all the needs of the intern, including arranging trips for them and making sure they have a rich cultural experience filled with fun, leisure and enjoyment. At the same time, we strive towards providing the intern with a home away from home.

Registration started. Register here!

LC Karunya Board

LC Karunya had a highly experienced board to make vital decisions on the functioning of IAESTE India,LC Karunya

Membership drive started. Register here!